I grew up in a little town north of Phoenix called Wickenburg, and northeast of this little town is an even smaller town Yarnell, Arizona which has been decimated by an out of control fire started by lightning. The latest news is that 19 firefighters have lost their lives, over 230 homes have been destroyed and the fire has absorbed 2000+ acres. I am reaching out to all my blogging friends to keep this little town, its residents, the families of the firefighters, especially those who died, in their prayers tonight. The fire is 0% contained and is raging eastward towards the beautiful town of Prescott. Along its path of destruction the fire is set to destroy many other little settlements/towns until it is finally contained and put out. The eastern seaboard met the wrath of hurricane Sandy...now we are fighting our own hurricane...an out of control fire which is swallowing lives up whole.

This is a photo of the corps of firefighters, called the Prescott Valley Hotshots who lost their lives trying to put out this monster. They were surrounded by flames and were unable to get out safely before the fumes and heat took their lives.
The sign welcoming visitors to this little town which may no longer exist after this destructive event.
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