Grrr...a week ago my computer went on the fritz & the hard drive crashed. Luckily one of my past employers dealt in computer repair & I was able to get it repaired relatively quickly. The tasking part was to re-install all my programs & goodies I already had set up from when it was running wonderfully. I still don't think it is back to where it was, which is aggravating, but I soldier on because I have a school year curriculum to plan.
Now here is my dilemma, I had to take a temporary full-time job until my contract began & I have to report to school. I enjoy my co-workers, but it doesn't give me any spare time to plan. I was able to get a blueprint created for the first quarter, but where to go from there I am unsure. I really need to collaborate with the other 6th grade teacher who is teaching Math & Science, because my intention is to integrate some cross-curriculum into my lessons. I want my students to have the opportunity to be fully engaged and get the opportunity to learn almost every subject multiple ways every chance they get. In order to do this I would like to know the schedule my cooperating teacher will be using and what topic she is teaching and when. So, needless to say I am in a holding pattern for now.

Right now I am trying to get some personal reading in, trying to focus on some YA books so I have a better understanding of the books I want to include in my classroom library. Currently I am finishing City of Bones, it seems quite interesting, but I am wondering if it is appropriate for 6th graders...does anyone who is teaching 6th grade have any suggestions on some great books? I am especially looking for input from those who have actually read the books as well. I love knowing the story line and content so I can ask thinking questions to the students to help them gain a better understanding and appreciation of reading. Is there anyone else out there that has the same feelings about reading the classroom library books as I do? I would love to hear your thoughts, comments, & suggestions. So, there it is the progression of my summer vacation. Then to end the summer, my husband springs on me he wants to intern in a local museum for a couple of years to get experience so he can pursue his interest/desire as well as utilize his Bachelor's Degree. Now I am scrambling to reformulate my budget so we can make this wish a reality. I feel it is necessary since he whole heartily supported me while I sought my Master's degree so I can fulfill my dream of becoming a teacher. Now, it is my turn to do the same for him. Wish me luck!!