While I have been working I did manage to get two big things checked off my To-Do list. I was able to get my classroom information packet done as well as my syllabus for the 1st Trimester. I used a program I learned about from Pinterest called Piktochart to create the information packet. I turned out really nice and quick to learn and maneuver around. As you can see by my finished product ... it's eye-catching.
To get it to print in PDF format you have to pay $40/year. But, with a little ingenuity and knowledge of Microsoft programs I was able to get it to go on 3 sheets of paper, quite nicely. I just wanted to give students and parents an idea what will be introduced this coming year and what content they will be expected to learn.

Alongside the creative information packet for the students and parents, I also finished my syllabus for the 1st trimester. My administrator doesn't require one, or they have yet to mention we need to have one, but what I have learned from my previous school it is a valuable tool to help keep parents and students apprised on what they will be learning and expected to know by the end of the grading period. Just like posting the schedule is beneficial to the students and to avoid the never ending questions of "What are we doing now?" or "When is this subject over?" or my favorite ones "When is lunch?", "When is school over?". Having a syllabus for the students allows them to track what they are learning and what they will be learning next, and what will be covered the 1st grading period. Below is what my syllabus look like which I will have available on Meet the Teacher night as well.

Hopefully, these will help avoid some of the questions and allow me to focus on the curriculum and create a more open line of communication between student & parent, as well as parent & myself.
Here's to the new school year !!! Good luck to us all!!!